Expert Reports
A report from Columbia Pacific encompasses every economic facet of your civil claim. Our results are underpinned by robust economics and the most recent data. We ensure our conclusions are easily understandable, presented in plain English for every reader. Our seasoned team of expert witnesses – Mark Gosling, Mark Szekely, Doug Hildebrand, Tom Steigervald, and Judy Ren – contributes decades of courtroom experience to our firm. Explore the topics on the right to discover more about how we can assist you.

Past and Future Earnings
- For an injured high school student, we often would rely on earnings statistics by level of education.
- For a worker in mid-career, we might also consider details from tax returns and collective agreements.
- For a self-employed real estate agent, we may rely on financial statements and local real estate trends.
Some personal injury claims involve a reduced life expectancy, and in those cases we can help you address the Lost Years’ Deduction.
Retirement Pensions
Pension Plans normally fall under one of two categories – Defined Contribution or Defined Benefit.
With Defined Contribution Plans, a member’s retirement pension will depend on accumulated contributions and on market returns. Under this type of plan, the member’s net economic benefit will equal the amount of contributions that the employer contributed on the member’s behalf.
With Defined Benefit Plans, a member’s retirement pension will depend on final salary and length of service. Under this type of plan, the member’s net economic benefit equals the difference between projected retirement benefits and projected member contributions.
Costs of Future Care
In cases where life expectancy is normal, we rely in published mortality rates for the general population. In cases where life expectancy is reduced, we can help you with the appropriate adjustments.
Financial Support
A person’s financial contribution often includes employment income, but might also include pensions and other income sources. A person’s consumption would normally include a portion of the household’s income, but might also extend to pre-existing household assets.
All households are different, and Columbia Pacific will work with you to determine which details are needed to accurately assess the loss.
Household Services
To estimate a person’s net contribution of household services, we normally undertake an analysis of general statistics on time use collected from similar individuals. Further adjustments may be required in situations where a spouse works out of town , or where special circumstances limit a person’s ability to provide household work.
Columbia Pacific will work with you to determine which details are needed to properly assess the claim for household services.
Tax Gross-Up and Fund Management
The experts at Columbia Pacific have many years of experience with gross-ups, and will gladly assist you assessing what gross-ups might apply in specific situations.
Other Topics
- Financial benefit of a marriage;
- Benefits and costs of structured settlements;
- Underinsured Motorist Protection (UMP) claims;
- Financial losses arising from Estate and Family Law matters;
- Financial damages resulting from land expropriation; and,
- Pre- and post-judgment interest on awarded damages.
Your Next Step
We'd love to hear from you! Call us today at 604-689-0025.
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604‑689‑7957 (Fax)
Vancouver, BC V6B 4N8
604‑689‑7957 (Fax)